(Pictured right): Ian Mitchell, managing director of housing at The Sovini Group.

Housebuilder secures £180m deal with NatWest to help fund affordable homes

One Vision Housing has secured a £180m deal with NatWest to help develop an additional 1,100 “high-quality”, affordable homes and decarbonise existing properties.

The award-winning affordable housing provider, which currently owns and manages over 13,600 homes across Liverpool, Cheshire and Lancashire, plans to build the additional homes by 2025.

One Vision Housing, part of The Sovini Group, seeks to “build a better future” through its development framework which aims to combat high housing costs, through the delivery of affordable homes. The Sovini Group is also committed to reducing its environmental impact and is striving towards net-zero carbon emissions.

The finance package from NatWest will enable One Vision Housing to deliver more energy efficient homes for local people, through retrofit decarbonisation projects to existing properties.

New build construction will take a ‘fabric first’ approach, with environmentally efficient specifications from low carbon heating and sustainable drainage systems to smart metres, solar panels and charging points for electric vehicles.

Ian Mitchell, managing director of Housing at The Sovini Group, commented: “We are thrilled to have received this funding from NatWest, who share our vision of a better future for local communities.

“At the group we are driven by our mission to create opportunities and change lives, and this funding will enable hundreds of people to take their first step onto the property ladder while providing hundreds more with affordable quality rental properties.”

Martin Skinner, relationship manager, Real Estate Finance at NatWest, added: “NatWest is dedicated to supporting our customers, colleagues and communities in Merseyside and across the North West.

“The work that One Vision Housing is doing to create more affordable and sustainable homes across the region is of vital importance, helping communities to thrive and creating sustainable homes for the future. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the One Vision team to provide the support they need.”

One Vision Housing believes in providing affordable homes and during 2021/22 the housing association reached over 5,000 beneficiaries through its Community Development Fund and corporate social responsibility initiatives, generating over £22m in social value.

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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