£6m energy efficient project gets underway on homes in Walker

Work has started on 152 duo-slab properties in Walker to improve the energy efficiency of the homes and reach the city’s Net Zero status by 2030.

The first wave of the project, which is part funded by the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund and match funded by Newcastle City Council, is being delivered through YHN’s Repairs and Construction Services, and will be completed in July 2023.

The works include installing external wall insulation, windows, and ventilation upgrades to the non-traditional concrete panelled properties. The project will improve the efficiency of the properties and residents could see a reduction in their energy bills, and the health and wellbeing of customers.

Bud Russell, a YHN customer whose property is undergoing the works, said: “We’ve been getting regular updates from the team since starting the work, they’ve been great. I’m looking forward to seeing the benefits of the work when it’s finished on my property.”

Cllr Jane Byrne, cabinet member at A Connected, Clean City, Newcastle City Council said: “It is great to hear that this project is underway. Not only will it improve the comfort and wellbeing of the residents it will also make their homes more efficient, helping to reduce energy bills and deliver on our net zero target.”

YHN and NCC properties are scored on a number of elements whenever funding is available. The properties in Walker that were eligible for the works are non-traditional builds which meant they qualified for the energy efficiency work.

David Langhorne, group director for assets and development at YHN, said: “The funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund has really helped us deliver this project - without it we wouldn’t have been able to improve as many properties.

“With the cost of living crisis, projects like this are more important than ever, and alongside Newcastle City Council we are committed to improving our properties across the city so more residents can benefit from these types of works.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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