Tech partnership to offer free tech courses in Newcastle

TechTalent, one of the UK’s leading tech training and placement providers, has partnered with IT services provider Version 1 to provide a free digital skills academy to Newcastle residents.

As an official training provider to the 2023 Newcastle Digital Skills Academy, TechTalent will work alongside Version 1 to upskill and train 18 individuals from Newcastle through a 12-week virtual training program.

The first eight weeks of the learning program will cover different technologies and organisational concepts, and how to apply new skills in a consultancy role. This will be followed by four weeks of specialist training in AWS and Java. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be offered an interview for a permanent role with Version 1 as an Associate Consultant.

A training allowance is available, and the Academy is open to Newcastle residents who are starting out from college, looking for a career change, returning to the workforce, and those with existing technical skills. Eligibility requirements include a 2:2 university classification in any discipline or a Level 5 qualification in an ICT or STEM subject.

Janice Rae, TechTalent CEO and founder, said: “It’s brilliant to once again partner with Version 1 to train people in Newcastle who are eager to kickstart and develop a career in tech. We’re committed to helping as diverse a range of people as possible to enter the sector, and to upskilling those already in the industry, which aligns perfectly with Version 1’s goal of making a career in tech accessible to everyone.

“As a team, we’re looking forward to meeting this year’s students and equipping them with useful knowledge and practical skills that they can take forward into promising tech careers.”

Participants will receive training on presentation and customer-facing skills and there will also be a week dedicated to the delivery of a Business Analysis and Project Management syllabus. The Academy includes Company Days at a Version 1 office, where students can meet Version 1 colleagues and other Academy Associates.

Enda Diggins, managing director of UK Digital, Data & Cloud at Version 1, said: “It’s exactly one year since we announced our plan to add more than 200 roles to Newcastle. We’ve been building a team locally, with great leadership and now we’re taking our next step by launching our Academy in the area.

“The Academy covers a broad set of topics attendees will learn about Design Thinking, Security DevOps, Platform Engineering, Software Development, and Software Testing all in the context of real-world scenarios, to prepare them for working with our customers.

“All Academy participants are paid for their participation. 131 people took part in Version 1 Academies last year. 100 per cent of those people were offered, and accepted, full-time jobs at the end of their Academy.”

The Academy provides an opportunity for tech enthusiasts in the Newcastle area to learn from experienced mentors and trainers with hands-on experience and industry-recognised certifications.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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