Mayor welcomes the backing of Levelling Up Secretary for development corporation plans

Plans for a new Mayoral Development Corporation in Middlesbrough have secured the backing of Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove after an emergency meeting today (Tuesday 28 February) with Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen.

The meeting follows a vote at Middlesbrough Council on Friday 24th November in which Labour Councillors voted against the establishment of a Mayoral Development Corporation and £18m of investment for the town. This funding was set to unlock investment in Middlesbrough Town Centre and redevelop areas that have stood empty for decades such as Gresham and Middlehaven.

Government have confirmed their support for the establishment of the MDC following a letter from the Elected Mayor of Middlesbrough and a majority of councillors, which stated that plans would accelerate regeneration of the town.

Teesside University have also put on record their support for the creation of a Mayoral Development Corporation in Middlesbrough, claiming proposals would be transformative for the town and people of Middlesbrough.

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “I am not going to stand by and let the Labour Party block £18m of investment in the Middlesbrough.

“After hearing of the outrageous decision by Labour councillors to vote against the project, I was pleased to secure an urgent meeting with Michael Gove to ask him to move ahead with the process and listen to the majority on the council who recognise the positive impact the MDC can have on the town.

“I’m pleased to say that we’ve secured the backing of Government, which means we now have a fighting chance of reversing Labour’s attempt to block much-needed investment in Middlesbrough and the regeneration of sites like Gresham and Middlehaven.

“While it’s not yet a done deal, I’d like to place on record my thanks to all non-Labour councillors who have written to Government to get our plans to transform Middlesbrough with new investment moving forward once again.”

The MDC has been designed to transform the town by driving investment and cutting red tape. Its boundary includes crucial assets such as the Boho zone, Middlesbrough Station, the Northern School of Art, Centre Square, and Teesside University.

Middlesbrough Football Club, Union Village, at Gresham and the area behind Sainsbury’s between the A66 and North Road are also included within its boundary. The plan would see a list of underutilised assets transferred to the new public body, alongside planning and business rate powers, with the mayor committing to making sure the council are made no worse off financially.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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