First phase of Leeds' largest urban extension to start

White Laithe Developments Ltd, as part of a consortium of landowners, has sold the first phase of its extensive Whinmoor site in Leeds to housebuilder Vistry for the creation of 365 new homes.

Planning consent was granted by Leeds City Council last summer for the creation of a new community including 2000 homes, a local centre, a primary school, public open space and part of the East Leeds Orbital Road. The circa 250 acre site comprises three adjacent parcels of land off Coal Road and Skelton Lane between the A58 Wetherby Road and the A64 York Road and represents the largest urban extension in Leeds’ history.

Vistry has acquired 27 acres of land on the north east quadrant of the site which will deliver up to 365 homes as part of the first phase of development, subject to reserved matters planning approval. A planning application will be submitted to Leeds City Council in the coming weeks, with initial infrastructure work targeted to begin on site later this year subject to detailed planning approvals.

The primary land use at the wider Whinmoor development will be residential, incorporating a mix of market and affordable homes from two bedroom apartments to five bedroom townhouses. The development will significantly assist in contributing to the housing delivery goals of the region, accommodating 2,000 units of the wider East Leeds Extension site, which has an allocated capacity of 3,771 homes.

In addition, the new primary two-form entry primary school and the mixed-use local centre will provide a variety of retail, community and health uses as a focal point for the new community.

Peter Garrett, managing director of Keyland Developments - one of the JV partners, said; “Completing this land sale is a significant step in the delivery of one of the region’s most significant regeneration projects. The new homes being delivered by Vistry will make a significant contribution to the housing targets of the region and it will be exciting to see Phase 1 take shape.”

John Carter, director at Evans Property Group, a JV partner, commented; “The new homes will kick-start this community-led mixed use development and will play a vital role in bringing new homes and jobs to the region.”

Luke Herring, head of land at Vistry, says: “We are delighted to be playing a part in the delivery of this exciting new community in Leeds. Not only will the development provide much needed new homes, but the range of new facilities will benefit both new and existing residents in the area.

“Subject to the approval of our reserved matters application, we hope to begin initial on site works later this year.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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