Michelle Lownie, Eden Scott’s chief executive.

Recruitment agency set for record £13m turnover ahead of milestone anniversary

Recruitment agency Eden Scott is on course to increase turnover to more than £13m for the first time this year as the business prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

The firm was set up in 2003 by founding directors Michelle Lownie, Guy Martin, and Chris Logue, and has since grown to become one of Scotland’s premier independent recruitment agencies connecting tens of thousands of candidates with hundreds of clients including Skyscanner, The Bank of New York, and Glenmorangie in three separate decades.

Pre-tax profits are on track to reach £1m, a rise of 10 per cent YOY, at the Edinburgh founded recruitment business, driven by a strong Scottish jobs market and growth in key industries including tech, renewables, healthcare, hospitality, life sciences, and even the nation’s burgeoning space industry.

Turnover is set to rise from £10.3m to £13.4m this financial year, an increase of more than 30 per cent, as the business continues to thrive despite challenging economic conditions caused by factors including the rising costs of doing business, the conflict in Ukraine, and the lasting impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Michelle Lownie, Eden Scott’s chief executive, commented: “The Scottish jobs market remains extremely buoyant, and our growth over the past year or so shows the value companies place on effective talent acquisition.

“Sectors including energy, renewables, semiconductors, the space industry, and technology, particularly startups, are seeing significant investment and with that comes growth, and there is huge demand for talent to facilitate it.

“Our industry specialist teams are working closely with clients to identify where that talent comes from, from within those industries or outside; on these shores or from overseas, and attract them to Scotland through our programmes and initiatives such as Talent Spark.

“We have a strong, people-focused approach to recruitment built on client and candidate relationships developed over years, not single projects or transactions, and the success of that approach is what continues to set Eden Scott apart.”

Looking to the future, Lownie said continued investment in tech and energy sectors, as well as Scotland’s thriving start-up community keep the outlook strong for the business and the market, adding Eden Scott will continue to support Scottish entrepreneurs through its Talent Spark programme.

She added: “We have supported the entrepreneurial economy to grow in this country and been there to support the accelerators at every stage of the journey and now support scaling companies to grow.”

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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