Urban Green Newcastle partnership with Newcastle United Foundation supports young people into employment

Young people in Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside and Northumberland are gaining valuable work experience and training in the city’s parks and allotments thanks to a new partnership between Urban Green Newcastle, Newcastle United Foundation, and Prince’s Trust.

Part of the Prince’s Trust Team programme, which is delivered by Newcastle United Foundation, young people aged 16-25 who are not in full-time employment, education or training are now able to take part in a two week work experience placement with Urban Green Newcastle as part of the 12 week employability scheme.

Working with the Urban Green Newcastle’s rangers, young people are able to learn new skills in horticulture, planting and growing, and park maintenance, whilst also improving their communications, team working, and health and safety skills.

21 year old Kieran Poole from Cowgate, Newcastle, is one of the first young people to benefit from the new partnership with Urban Green Newcastle, having spent two weeks working with the charity’s ranger team in Hodgkin Park, City Stadium, Walker Park, St Lawrence Park and Heaton Park.

Kieran supported the team at Urban Green Newcastle with a wide range of tasks, including park patrols, footpath edging, and winter tree works.

Emma Armstrong-Smith, ranger team leader at Urban Green Newcastle, said: “Providing opportunities for young people to develop new skills and go on to enjoy rewarding and fulfilling careers has been an important part of our charity’s work since we were founded in 2019. Experiencing the world of work is so important in building young people’s confidence, and it’s been great to see Kieran find his passion.”

The Prince’s Trust Team programme is a 12 week personal development and employability scheme that gives young people access to a two week work placement in a business or organisation they’re interested in. They also have the chance to plan and deliver their own group community project, and take part in a residential trip.

Helen McDermott, project coordinator for the Prince’s Trust at Newcastle United Foundation said: “Working with Urban Green Newcastle has been amazing. We’re really grateful for the skills and knowledge they have shared with our Team. This has definitely helped us understand what conservation is and how we can all be part of saving and preserving the natural environment.”

Young people involved in the Team programme also receive help and support to develop their CVs, learn practical interview skills, and visit different work places to see the wide variety of jobs and careers available in Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside and Northumberland.

Kieran said: “Working with Urban Green Newcastle has been a great experience for me, all the staff were really supportive. I’m now looking for jobs that would have me working outdoors and using the skills I developed on my work experience. Learning how to look after the parks has really helped with my confidence. I definitely want to work with Urban Green Newcastle again.”

Emma continued: “We’re looking forward to continuing our new partnership with Newcastle United Foundation and the Princes Trust so we can enthuse more young people about careers in the great outdoors.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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