Multi-million-pound investment in Whitby heralded by “milestone” community hub

Celebrations have been held in Whitby following the completion of a new community hub as part of a £17m investment in the town.

The Eastside Community Hub has been officially declared open, one of the first of the projects funded from the Government’s Town Deal scheme to reach its completion.

The project provides an extension to Eastside Community Centre, which allows it to host a greater range of activities and training sessions alongside a new community café. As part of the scheme, a purpose-built gym for Whitby Boxing Club was created to allow it to grow its membership.

The Abbots Road building received a contribution from the Towns Fund of £823k to build a modern new home for Whitby Boxing Club, to give the opportunity for more young people to participate in sport. Additional funding for the Whitby Boxing Club came from Sport England and The Sirius Foundation.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for open to business, Cllr Derek Bastiman, commented: “The opening of the boxing club and the Eastside Community Hub is a major boost to the residents of Whitby. Every Town Deal project was chosen because they are transformative and can have a positive impact for our residents.

“The boxing club offers a safe, properly-coached environment for youngsters to get exercise and make friends. We already know the great work and support on offer at the community hub and the extension will only open up those opportunities to even more people.”

On March 3, 2021, the Government announced that Scarborough had been successful in securing £20.2m of Town Deal funding, and Whitby would receive £17.1m.

The 14 projects being funded from the scheme are designed to deliver better outcomes for residents and businesses by making both towns more vibrant and alive while building on the cultural heritage for which both are famous.

North Yorkshire Council’s member for Whitby Streonshalh division, Cllr Neil Swannick, added: “It is fantastic that the east side of Whitby has been able to benefit from the funding. I look forward to seeing the new community hub being well-used by the many local organisations and residents’ groups in the area.”

On Friday, directors of the community hub and invited guests came together to mark the opening of the hub. The boxing gym opened its doors last year and in January was visited by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Dehenna Davison MP, who was seeing how the Town Deal projects were progressing in the region.

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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