£19m West Yorkshire town transformation to “boost economy and create jobs”

More details about the £19.1m investment for Brighouse are being revealed as part of the Town Deal which aims to transform the town centre, encourage more people to visit more often, and be a catalyst for further improvements in the years ahead.

From today (Monday 15 May), residents, businesses and anyone interested can discover the latest plans for the improvements to the public realm, including creating a more attractive environment for shoppers and visitors by putting the focus on people not vehicles.

The plans include:

  • Updated designs for the new market building, on the existing site on Ship Street.
  • Visualisations showing how two of the main roads in the town centre, Commercial Street and Bethel Street, could look.
  • Showcasing new event and community spaces, both within the new market and on Thornton Square which will be transformed to return it to being at the heart of the town centre.
  • Changes to the way traffic moves around the town are explained with maps showing new one-way systems to attract more visitors while still ensuring easy access to shops, businesses and venues for all.

David Whitehead, co-chair of the Brighouse Town Deal Board, commented: “The Brighouse Deal investment will have a huge impact on our town centre and we are excited by the changes which will encourage more people to come to the town, spend longer and spend more boosting our economy, creating jobs and being a catalyst for even more improvements in the future.

“We understand though that many residents, shops, businesses and venues have lots of questions about what it will mean for them, which is why we have always been committed to sharing the plans, discussing them in detail and improving them.

“This process is at a crucial stage and I would encourage everyone to take a look at the plans and have their say in the coming weeks.”

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Towns, Engagement and Public Health, Cllr Sarah Courtney, added: “We’re delighted to be able to share the latest exciting plans for Brighouse which show the projects really taking shape and moving a step closer to becoming a reality.

“The significant Brighouse Deal investment will truly transform areas of the town, making it an even better place to live, visit and do business. We’ve listened to local people throughout the process of developing the plans, and look forward to showing them the latest designs for improvements around the town.”

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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