Huddersfield’s investment opportunities attract 'high profile' business audience

Huddersfield’s potential for investment and business growth was showcased to a high-profile business audience at a sold-out event held in Leeds last night, as part of UKREiiF 2023 (UK Regions and Economic Investment Industry Forum).

The “Investing in the Future” event, which was held by Huddersfield Unlimited, the organisation which stands for business in the town, and Kirklees Council, brought together over 100 public and private sector stakeholders, including investors, developers, housebuilders and more, to discuss opportunities and create connections. The event proved so popular a waiting list had to be created.

The interest created by the event is perhaps unsurprising, given the fact that over £1bn in funding is set to be invested in Huddersfield to improve connectivity, infrastructure, education and business opportunities, proving that the town offers a wealth of attractive investment opportunities.

Speaking at the event, Sir John Harman, chairman of Huddersfield Unlimited, said: “Over the last few years Huddersfield Unlimited has been working to put Huddersfield on the national stage as a place for businesses to locate and to grow. At last, we are able to do this - with over £1bn of public investment due over the next five years, there has never been a better time to invest in Huddersfield.

“Huddersfield offers low costs and high value, a skilled and confident workforce, and a quality of life that includes active travel plans, town centre living projects, and cultural offerings. The region has a strong, united, and passionate team of stakeholders who support investment, business sustainability, and economic growth.”

Projects discussed at the event:

The Transpennine Route Upgrade will make Huddersfield one of the best-connected places in the North of England, while the University of Huddersfield’s Health Innovation Campus at Southgate will put the town on the global map for transformational health and wellbeing research.

The development builds on the Transpennine Route Upgrade and the National Health Innovation Campus, unlocking significant opportunities for investment. The Station to Stadium Enterprise Corridor offers further potential for investors, creating the opportunity for a thriving hub of high-quality businesses and well-paid jobs between Huddersfield Station and the John Smith’s Stadium.

Other ongoing development initiatives in Huddersfield include the Kingsgate development, and the Cultural Heart development, which is set to transform the heart of Huddersfield town centre with a vibrant food hall, music and events venue, museum, library, art gallery, and outdoor public square. The George Hotel is also being redeveloped to become a Radisson Red.

Speaking in the run up to the event, David Shepherd, strategic director for growth and regeneration, Kirklees Council said: “UKREiiF presents a key opportunity to showcase the scale and pace of regeneration in Kirklees.

“Our strong vision for the future, our partnership collaboration, and our forward-thinking approach to development and sustainable growth has helped realise over £1bn of planned investment in private and public infrastructure over the next five years.

“Kirklees is already home to thriving precision engineering, advanced manufacturing and textiles industries. We’ll draw on these industry strengths, as well as local talent and the district’s fantastic heritage and culture, its innovation and entrepreneurship, to showcase Kirklees’ strengths as a place to do business.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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