Multi-million pound Norwich redevelopment project set to create over 2,000 new jobs

Weston Homes say that the forthcoming regeneration of Anglia Square in Norwich is on track to start in 2024, with liaison with key stakeholders and political bodies required during the second half of 2023, before construction can commence.

In April 2023, Weston Homes gained a Resolution to Grant Planning Permission from Norwich City Council for the redevelopment of the 4.65 hectare (11.5 acre) Anglia Square site.

Since then, Weston Homes has been liaising closely with Norwich City Council and the Planning Consent is now on the verge of being issued, with both parties having agreed the final form of the Section 106 Agreement.

At the end of July 2023, Weston Homes should be updated by Homes England on its stance on the project, and this will then enable further liaison with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), with this process anticipated to be finished by the end of October 2023.

Once these regulatory processes are finalised, this should enable Weston Homes to look at starting work on the redevelopment of Anglia Square early in 2024.

The first phase of development will see the demolition of the multi-storey car park, unused since 2012, with the cinema block anticipated to be demolished next, towards the end of 2024, with Sovereign House to follow in 2026. Given the anticipated schedule, for the current tenants of Anglia Square, it remains “business as usual” well into next year.

Once the planning approval is formalised, Weston Homes will take over ownership of the Anglia Square site from current landowner Columbia Threadneedle.

The regenerated Anglia Square will provide for up to 1,100 homes of mixed tenure and up to 8,000 sq m (86,111 sq ft) of non-residential floorspace including a community hub, community hall, new employment floorspace for a range of businesses, public toilets and accessible changing place facility.

During the construction period the development will create circa 2,211 direct construction jobs and related employment with the complete project providing circa 288 jobs in the retail and other commercial premises.

Within the wider Norwich and east of England region the new development is anticipated to create a further circa 2,239 indirect and induced jobs. Residents of the new housing are calculated to spend up to £36.4m per annum in the local Norwich economy on retail and leisure consumption, excluding revenue from businesses and local residential housing taxes.

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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