Eutechtics Co Founders Armando Leal and Dr. Mauricio Murillo.
(L - R): Eutechtics Co Founders Armando Leal and Dr. Mauricio Murillo.

Sheffield eco-chemistry startup secures backing from green-tech accelerator

An award-winning Sheffield startup with a mission to decarbonise the chemical sector has gained the backing of a venture accelerator focussed on businesses with the ‘greatest potential to tackle climate change’.

Eutechtics is an eco-chemistry startup based at Sheffield Technology Parks. The company is developing ‘groundbreaking’, sustainable processes to cut harmful emissions in the production of chemicals such as carboxylic acids, which are used globally.

In the summer, Eutechtics was crowned National Champion of Climate Launchpad UK 2023, a pitch competition for green business ideas, making it through to the European Semi-finals.

The startup has now been accepted onto Carbon13’s Venture Launchpad, which has a sharp focus on startups with the ambition and potential to reduce emissions by millions of tonnes a year. Within this programme, Eutechtics could secure a pre-seed investment from Carbon13 of £120k.

Founded by Armando Leal and Dr. Mauricio Murillo in 2022, Eutechtics relocated from York to Sheffield, drawn by the impressive innovation landscape, including two world-class universities and Sheffield Technology Parks, home to a rich tapestry of pioneering startups and established tech companies.

Co-founder and CEO, Armando, commented: “While developing the first stages of our tech we discovered that Sheffield has the infrastructure to enable us to scale up our solution.

“So, we relocated here with support from Sheffield Technology Park’s LOCATE programme, which has been really useful in helping us to connect with the start-up ecosystem and important stakeholders that could play a vital role in the development of our tech.”

Armando’s priorities are now focussed on seeking investment, something he feels more confident about since securing the backing of Carbon13. He explained: “We are really happy to be accepted onto Carbon13’s Venture Launchpad. Firstly because of the commitment and enthusiasm the team has for tackling the climate emergency.

“And for the specific expertise they have in supporting and accelerating eco-startups, I feel that we’re in the best hands to develop our investment strategy and to achieve our first round of funding.”

Eutechtics will receive support remotely from Cambridge-based Carbon13, whilst also benefiting from being a part of Sheffield Technology Park’s business incubation programme, The Cooper Project. This brings together a thriving community of entrepreneurs who work alongside one another at the tech hub, with dedicated business startup support.

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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