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Member Article

Why embracing sustainability makes business sense

Amidst record-breaking global temperatures and concerns over the government’s green pledges, a new poll by Yonder reveals that millions of us are willing to pay up to 25 per cent more for sustainable products. Despite inflation and the ever-rising cost of living, eco-friendly habits adopted during the pandemic remain strong.

As sustainable practices become a key factor for consumers and investors, clearly businesses will need to future-proof their operations by embracing sustainability and enhancing their ESG credentials. 

Indeed, research from SaveMoneyCutCarbon shows that two-thirds of people in the UK maintain eco habits to save money, while independent findings from SmartestEnergy indicate that 80 per cent of people prefer brands with a positive approach to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, 22 per cent of people will only support businesses that put sustainability at the forefront of their operation.

Witnessing these trends, Mark Sait, CEO of SaveMoneyCutCarbon, argues that British society is undergoing a significant behavioural shift towards sustainability, with consumers becoming more selective about their eco-friendly purchases. 

Mark said: “We’re finding that the eco habits adopted during the pandemic have remained strong.

“And independent research commissioned by SmartestEnergy backs this - four out of five people describe themselves as likely to choose a brand with a positive approach to environmental sustainability.

“They are much more selective about the eco products they choose and more careful about how much they are spending. 

“Domestic consumers haven’t stopped being committed to reducing plastic use and creating less waste, along with the pressing need to cut energy and water use, taking control of rising bills.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Bdaily Publishing .

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