Adam Tavener Adam Tavener


Adam is founder and chairman of Clifton Asset Management Plc, the innovators behind the Pension-led funding brand (, providing high quality non-bank finance to SME's across the UK. Clifton employs approximately one hundred staff in their headquarters near Bristol. Currently more than 2,500 businesses have used Clifton for pension-led funding. With over £210million of pension-led funding provided to these SMEs, Clifton is now one of the largest alternative funding providers in the UK, and it was recognised at the Business Moneyfacts Awards 2014 as the Best Alternative Funding Provider in the UK. Adam and Clifton were also the catalyst for the creation of the Alternative Business Funding (ABF) collaboration and non-bank funding portal The portal unites the country's top non-bank funding providers to exchange rejected applicants for credit between themselves. In 2014, ABF successfully lobbied BIS and The Treasury to introduce legislation to force the major banks to pass over the details of rejected SME applicants to the non-bank sector. In the course of developing the ABF collaboration Adam was part of The Treasury working group created to deliver the new bank referral legislation. As well as HMT, Adam has advised the British Business Bank, Downing Street and The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Adam is a CBI regional council member.

Adam Tavener's Profile