Duotech Risk Management has years experience in providing organizations with comprehensive, bespoke Health & Safety management solutions. We manage the Health & Safety services for business nationwide, with a team of 8 qualified consultants and specialist associates trained and certified to national standards. Our team will visit your business and conduct a full Health & Safety audit, inspection and fire risk assessment. We will work closely with you to develop an efficient and comprehensive Health & Safety action plan, and provide you with documentation that is specific to your business. We will provide your staff with an understanding of Health & Safety responsibilities under current legislation and will explore best practices to manage Health & Safety and environmental issues. You will receive free advice from our qualified consultants, free Health & Safety best practice guides. Our philosophy is to keep Health & Safety simple. No jargon, no confusion, no nonsense just peace of mind. - [Building & Construction](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/building-and-construction.php) - [Care Homes](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/care-homes.php) - [Catering](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/catering.php) - [Facilities Management](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/factories-and-workshops.php) - [Factories & Workshop](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/factories-and-workshops.php) - [Office & Corporate](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/offices-and-corporate.php) - [Transport & Mobile Workshops](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/transport-and-mobile-workshops.php) - [Health & Safety inspections](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/health-and-safety-inspections.php) - [Risk Assessment](http://www.duotechriskmanagement.co.uk/risk-mssessment.php)