Jill Stelfox Jill Stelfox


Jill Stelfox joined Zebra location solutions as Vice-President and General Manager in November 2012, tasked with directing strategy to enhance, still further, the innovative solutions, market-leading applications, and exceptional value offered by the company. Her goal is to accelerate the development of exciting new technologies and generate new applications that will bring Zebra customers’ additional benefits, in terms of efficiency, improvement in the bottom line, and rapid return on investment. Jill has 20 years’ experience of founding, leading and building innovative companies, and has a proven ability to develop and implement dynamic strategies and systems which lead to growth, based on the increased value delivered to customers. Jill has a nationwide reputation as a successful entrepreneur and founder of venture capital-backed companies, and has raised $50 million, and returned over a $1 billion to investors.

Jill Stelfox's Profile