Katharine Roff Katharine Roff


Act Positive is a training company which will engage you, inspire you and enable you to think and feel differently about what you do. On an average day you may experience a range of challenging situations and people. How you think and feel about those situations directly influence your responses; what you do and how you do it has an impact on yourself and your team. Act Positive specialises in developing communication between individuals, teams, departments, companies and cultures. We focus on people and the impact that their attitudes and behaviours have in any situation. Act Positive is a training company with a difference. The process of training might be likened to a brick wall; the building of a solid structure of excellent systems and skilled and committed people. Most other training companies provide the bricks of hard skills and knowledge. Act Positive provides the raw mortar of developing the attitudes and behaviours which embed skills and knowledge and enables people to do a fantastic job. The mortar is what holds the bricks together, the why and the how to make everything else work. The mortar is personal. It is the essential but often overlooked ingredient which strengthens lasting capability and performance.

Katharine Roff's Profile