Sophia, Octopus Comms Sophia, Octopus Comms


Today’s digital advertising model is broken. Whilst digital ads run up many billions of impressions worldwide, very few catch the attention of readers and convert into clicks or actions. Most adverts simply aren’t of interest to consumers who have developed ad blindness as a consequence. The impact on publishers is profound as CPM’s fall they find it increasingly difficult to effectively monetise the content they create. The temptation for publishers is to respond by placing more ads creating a negative downward spiral as their readers become more irritated by their online experience and go elsewhere for their information needs – paradoxically leading to fewer impressions and lower revenues! Sophia have invented an exciting solution to help publishers generate more revenue and to improve the experience of their readers. AmbianceTM is an e-commerce widget that sits unobtrusively alongside publisher content to automatically showcase relevant products of interest to readers while they browse. By making content shoppable, it provides an alternative revenue stream for publishers and because the products complement the nearby content, readers are instantly more engaged leading to improved site stickiness and increased loyalty.

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