Member Article

All-girl team win nanotech competition

A team of innovative students has won the North East’s biggest design and technology competition for the second year in a row. The all-girl team from Blyth Community College scooped a £1000 prize for their school and an adventure day for themselves for their winning entry in the annual Futures Challenge competition. Tasked with developing the ergonomically designed internet café of the future using the latest in nanotechnology, the team developed an intelligent seat cover that controlled posture, seating position and the glare from the computer’s monitor. Run by the Future Matters initiative at RTC North, Futures Challenge is now in its 7th year and was created to foster an interest in design, science and technology and encourage innovation at a young age. Cenamps, the key partner in this year’s competition, helps industry make the most of emerging small-scale technologies. Mike Pitkethly, CEO, presented the winners with their prizes. He said: “We are proud to be so actively involved in the development of young people’s understanding and enthusiasm for science and technology. In the same way that Cenamps bridges the gap between academic research and commercial development, Futures Challenge presents young people with the application of technology in a real-life environment, which is essential to capturing young imaginations.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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