Member Article

Cash boost for region's healthcare sector

The organisation responsible for driving the growth of the region’s healthcare economy has teamed up with Northumbria University on an initiative that will bring a £1.25million cash boost to the burgeoning sector.The Integrated Services Training and Products or ‘InSTeP’ initiative combines industrial design expertise from Northumbria University with the market intelligence of the Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences (CELS). The result is an integrated design service for small and medium sized businesses involved in the development of products and services for the healthcare sector. Dr Keith Morris, Director of Markets and Technologies at CELS said: “InSTeP will play a crucial role in building the region’s healthcare network by offering a clearly managed development path for healthcare product and device ideas. Clients will benefit from commercial expertise, financial support to cover development costs, and a cross-functional team of commercially focussed researchers, designers, engineers and healthcare professionals, all with proven collaborative experience.” InSTeP combines the work of three schools across Northumbria University; the School of Design, School of Health Community & Education Studies and the School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, providing an array of expertise in areas such as concept research and design, prototype development, risk assessment and end user testing. CELS is actively seeking clients for the InSTeP Initiative, to find out more please contact CELS on 0191 211 2626.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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