Member Article

Sex, Lies, Money - Financial Discussions Are New Taboo

Three quarters of British couples find money the hardest subject to talk about, according to a new survey.

The study by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) revealed that a third of couples would prefer to discuss sex or their previous relationships than their bank balances. Money troubles are big problem for couples - a quarter of couples regularly argue when they try to discuss their finances, and a third lie to their partners about how much they spend on their credit cards, and/or are kept awake at night worrying about their money situation.

Relationship psychologist Christine Webber said: “Not knowing how to bring up the subject of money with a loved one without sounding accusatory, mean, or overly serious, can cause incredible relationship stress. But there are some very simple steps couples can take to open up the lines of financial communication – it’s vital that people start talking.”

The FSA has created an impartial website to help people manage their money. includes top tips on how to manage your money, how to plan ahead, and where to get further help.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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