Member Article

Washington gears up for new jobs

Automotive supplier Valeo is to create up to 60 new jobs on Tyneside when it opens a new front end module facility. The company will supply front-end parts for Nissan’s latest 4x4 model from its new base in Washington. Arnaud Brunetiere, facility manager at Valeo, said: “Tyne and Wear has a strong automotive industry and supply chain, allied to an excellent tradition in manufacturing. With the skills base and support available it was the obvious choice for our new plant. “We’re particularly grateful for the assistance we’ve received from the region’s business support agencies. It was instrumental in our final choice.“An inward investment team headed by Tyne and Wear Development Company and supported by Sunderland City Council and One NorthEast - both of which provided financial assistance - has helped Valeo with the move. Valeo is currently working with recruitment specialists NRG to put in place its new management team and workforce in readiness for production beginning in December.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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