Member Article

New Chief exec enlisted for Science City

A new Chief Executive has been named by the Newcastle Science City Partnership. Dr Peter Arnold will take up his new position from 1 June 2008 and will bring experience to the role as a senior research and development leader; he is currently Group Director of Technology at Smith & Nephew, one of the world’s leading medical devices companies.

Peter has held senior scientific management roles on both sides of the Atlantic. He has also contributed to government policy on clinical research, nanotechnology and stem cell technology - areas of particular interest to Newcastle Science City.

Peter said: “I am very excited by the opportunity to contribute to the regional science agenda and to find new ways to link this demonstrably to increasing prosperity within Newcastle and the region.”

Professor Chris Brink, Vice Chancellor of Newcastle University, said: “This is a significant step forward for us. Peter Arnold’s experience and expertise will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the city and the region.”

The development of the former brewery site in the city centre will be a major part of the Chief Executive’s new role.

Sarah Stewart, Director of Newcastle Science City, said: “We are thrilled to have someone of Peter’s experience joining us to take up the role of Chief Executive. Newcastle is already known as a city where exciting and groundbreaking scientific achievements take place and the challenge facing Newcastle Science City in the future is to translate this into long-term and sustainable benefits.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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