Member Article

Man tracks down phone boss, tells him security sucks

A disgruntled mobile phone user was so concerned at the lack of security over mobile phone records that he tracked down the head of a major phone company in the US to raise his concerns.

The ‘prank’ was for, and involved signing up to a free cell phone records site to hunt down Ivan Seidenberg, CEO of Verizon Wireless, and within a few minutes his address was found. A drive to his home armed with a demand and a megaphone ensued.

“Please do a better job of protecting your customers’ cell phone records!” thundered John Hargrave through the megaphone. “Everyone has the right to privacy, including you, Ivan.

“When we don’t have privacy, then freaks with megaphones start showing up on our front lawn.

“Keep our phone numbers unlisted! Keep our cell phone records private! Keep us safe in your loving arms Ivan!”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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