Member Article

North East firm pursues nuclear breakthrough

A North East firm has signed a deal with a company supplying every atomic power station in the US, and is now preparing for a big breakthrough in the nuclear market.

Mech-Tool Engineering of Darlington has signed a UK-US licence and supply agreement with Chicago based Transco Products Inc. Transco will manufacture and sell Mech-Tool’s products in the US and vice-versa.

Mech-Tool, which employs 175 people in Darlington and Middlesbrough, believes the deal will make it a strong contender for work on the new generation of nuclear power stations planned for the UK.

The Darlington firm is proposing to build a new manufacturing to cope with the extra work the deal will bring.

Despite the recession, last year was the company’s most successful to date and turnover rose from £9m to more than £17m, with the addition of 45 staff.

Managing director, Keith Bell, said: “The deal could open up a massive new market in the US for our products.

“There is a tremendous synergy between the two companies. There is a lot of excitement about the potential opportunities for each company’s products.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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