Member Article

Rise in visitors to region as 'staycation' popularity continues

The number of visitors to the North East has risen by 5% compared to last year, a survey has revealed.

Regional Development agency One North East carried out the recent survey, which measured the occupancy levels in the region’s guesthouses and hotels and compared them to the same time last year.

The results come in the wake of the UK Tourism Survey earlier this year, which reported a 10% rise in visitor numbers.

Stacy Hall, director of communications and tourism at One North East, said: “The increase in occupancy and number of visitors to attractions is great news for the region.

“It not only demonstrates the quality of the attractions on offer in North East England, but also the variety of things available to do for visitors.

“As the trend for the ‘staycation’ continues, we hope more people will discover the North East this summer.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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