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Jowell visits North East for 2012 celebrations

Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell was in the North East last week to mark the official launch of regional celebrations for London 2012 Open Weekend.

London 2012 Open Weekend was a series of events across the country celebrating the start of a three-years countdown until the 2012 Games.

The Minister visited Durham County Cricket Club and joined North East representatives including One North East and Sport England North East for the event.

Tessa Jowell said: “Through imagination and commitment London 2012 is having an impact in so many ways on the lives of people in the North East. The Personal Best programme, for example, is offering people with few skills and often associated disabilities the chance to train, whilst a ground-breaking new health programme is helping people with Type Two Diabetes manage their disease through diet and exercise.”

As part of her visit the Minister was presented with an updated regional plan on how the North East aims to take full advantage of the opportunities available in the run up to the 2012 Games.

Afterwards, a series of workshops took place highlighting work taking place in the region inspired by the 2012 Games.

Stacy Hall, Director of Communications and Tourism at One North East, said: “Welcoming the Minister to the North East as part of Nations and Regions Day and Open Weekend launch celebrations has been a great opportunity to showcase the exciting work which is taking place here in the region inspired by the London 2012 Games, particularly across our eight key areas of activity, including business procurement, health and culture.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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