Member Article

New tourism boost for the region

THE North East is set to benefit from a £100 million tourism boost thanks to a new partnership between the government and a North Shields based ferry operator.

The new pledge from DFDS Seaways is part of a four year marketing fund set up by the Government to improve tourism.

It is hoped 50,000 more jobs will be created along with 1m additional visitors and a £2 billion increased visitor spend across the UK.

John Crummie, UK Managing Director of DFDS Seaways Limited, visited Downing Street this week to meet with Prime Minister David Cameron to launch the initiative.

He said: “As a major player in bringing tourists to Britain on our Amsterdam to Newcastle route, we are confident that the partnership will increase the level of tourism throughout the North East, bringing valuable investment and jobs to the region.

“We are pleased to be working in partnership with VisitBritain and pleased to support such an important initiative which will undoubtedly bring benefits to the local economy.”

The fund was set up in response to the government’s challenge to boost tourism ahead of the forthcoming Royal Wedding, The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London Olympic and Paralympic games.

DFDS Seaways has pledged a mix of financial support and payment in kind along with four other travel companies to help match the £50 million of public money already committed by national tourism agency, VisitBritain.

Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media & Sport, Jeremy Hunt added: “British companies have dug deep to back us in promoting this idea.

“I hope that others will pitch in too – to become part of the global launch to market Britain as quite literally the greatest show on earth.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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