Member Article

Swan Hunter ship yard set to boost regional economy by £1m

A Wallsend shipyard is back in business, providing a boost of £1m to the regional economy and directly create 35 jobs.

The decommissioning of offshore North Sea gas steel platforms has begun at the Swan Hunter shipyard.

A 17-storey platform has already arrived; the first of eight barges due to arrive at the shipyard over the next four months.

Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc will be taking on the project and have a recycling target of 98%.

The Swan Hunter shipyard, established in 1860, ceased shipbuilding in the last decade, but still operate in the marine, design and engineering field.

The new plans will see 10,500 tonnes of redundant gas platform safely decommissioned from April to October 2011.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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