Member Article

More steps needed in Government Building Regulations

The Construction Products Association is encouraged by the launch of the Governments Building Regulations, but stresses that additional steps will still be needed.

Under the proposals, the Government are looking to improve local authority building control processes, improving private sector arrangements, strengthening enforcement and introducing compliance coordinators on site.

Commenting on the package, John Tebbit, industry affairs director at the Association said: “The manufacturers and suppliers are already focused on providing the products and solutions necessary to achieve these improvements but recognise that a delay to the implementation until October 2013 was inevitable given the delay in issuing this consultation.

Other key proposals include the proposed introduction of consequential improvements, and linking these to the Green Deal. Tebbit believes that this will need to be delivered in a cost effective and consumer friendly way if it is to succeed.

He continued: “Green Deal must be seen as a way of helping deliver these improvements and not an additional burden.

“This package of proposals will have a significant impact on many of our members and we will be considering the implications very carefully before giving the government our detailed response.”

Nonetheless, the Association remains concerned that the continuing saga of SAP abd SBEM governance, which is causing some confusion.

John added: “Despite the problems at the last revision of Part L, we are yet again in the unsatisfactory position of having concurrent consultations on SAP and a Part L consultation using a not yet finalised version known as cSAP.

“We have made proposals for industry to take on more responsibility for SAP and SBEM development, but we need DECC and DCLG to take action, otherwise these problems will recur in three years time.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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