Member Article

Making the First Move

The Dom-Work Divide

Working from home can provide a step on the ladder for fledgling businesses – but the scope and level of professionalism can easily be compromised when the boundaries between domestic and work life begin to come crashing down.

For example, one tell-tale sign you are ready to make the move is when the credibility of your residential address starts to impact on the business you are able to secure.

The truth is that many clients and potential customers will judge you, your ability and your suitability up on the image you project – so you may find opportunities restricted if you present the image of a small, “cottage industry” type operation. Small can mean bespoke or boutique but many people in business see size as a measure of success and ultimately trustworthiness.

So whether it is the distractions of home-life or the residential address that stands out like a sore thumb on your business card – splitting your working life into separate “pots” and locations can aid focus, productivity and status.

Growing Pains

All too often new businesses will resist the need to move – holding off and stretching their resources thinner and thinner in the process, which clearly cannot go on forever.

While the prospect of moving to their first commercial location can raise concerns, ensuring you maintain the right environment for growth and productivity should take the lead in your decision making process.

This is one of the principle advantages associated with serviced offices – with flexible licences and fixed monthly costs providing a low-risk platform from which businesses can dip their toe into the world of dedicated commercial property.

Simply put, it might seem better for the business to resist a move and keep things ‘simple’ but by doing so you may be limiting your long-term growth options and ultimately restricting your firm’s potential.

Making The Move

Don’t Lead with Cost

This might come as a shock to some but money (or at least cost), isn’t everything. When you look for office space there are a dozen things you will need – but price will only ever be one of them. Instead of starting with price, first select the features you need from your office space. By fulfilling the majority of your requirements you will gain true value from the office you ultimately select.

Want Vs. Need

Be prepared to learn during your search – the majority of decision makers quickly realise that there is a gap between what they think they want and what they actually need. Remember that the most expensive space is dead space – so do you really need that big coffee table to impress clients?

Location – does it matter?

Consider covering the market by exploring a wider area and considering how this may impact elements such as the daily commute of your employees. A prime time spot in the city centre might seem like a step forward for your business but it might not to your employees after they arrive drained from their extra 30 minute commute.

Refine & Define

Looking beyond the four walls, it is also worth noting that additional services such as meeting rooms and photocopying etc. are often available ad-hoc in serviced offices – a bonus if you only require occasional access to such services, particularly when you consider the cost of supporting such services on a permanent basis.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Simon Jones .

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