Member Article

ABS Launches Innovation Taskforce

Innovation Taskforce

The purpose of the ABS Taskforce is to provide evidence of how UK business schools are supporting the Government’s agenda in the BIS report Innovation and Research for Growth. BIS defines innovation as: ‘the development of new products, services and processes, which may be based on cutting edge research.’

We are interested in barriers to success, consulting on actions to be taken and establishing links with relevant policy bodies. Key themes are: student employability, enhanced realisation of technology, faculty capacity building to engage better with practice and a review of funding for business and management research post AIM to support world-class research. An interim report of key findings will be made at the ABS annual conference on Innovation for Growth, 15-16 October at Warwick University.

An ABS summary of the BIS report is available *here*

A short web surveyhas been sent to ABS members.

Richard Rawlinson, Vice President, Booz & Company, London
Prof. Richard Thorpe, Pro-Dean for Research, Leeds University Business School

Members confirmed to date
Prof. Nic Beech, School of Management, University of St. Andrews; Prof. Tim Clark, Durham Business School; Prof. Simon Collinson, Henley Business School; Dr. David Doherty, CIHE; Jude England, British Library; Mike Jones, FME; Luis Juste, Santander; Dan LeClair, AACSB International; Prof. Michelle Lowe, University of Southampton Faculty of Business & Law; Geoff Mulgan, NESTA; Zoe Radnor, Cardiff Business School; Georgia Siora, Warwick Economics & Development; Jon Wakeford, UPP; Prof. Baback Yazdani, Nottingham Business School

AACSB International (2010) Business Schools on an Innovation Mission. Tampa, Florida.

Julie Davies
The Association of Business Schools

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Association of Business Schools .

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