Member Article

Startup Britain Co-founder awarded MBE for enterprise work

StartUp Britain, the national campaign to encourage and accelerate enterprise in the UK is delighted to announce that co-founder and campaign director Emma Jones has received an MBE for services to enterprise.

Emma Jones, author and founder of small business community Enterprise Nation, was awarded the Honour in the Queen’s Jubilee Birthday Honours list in recognition of the role she has played in encouraging and supporting enterprise in the UK.

Emma said:This came as a very pleasant surprise! I’m delighted to receive this Honour whilst accepting there’s still work to be done when it comes to encouraging people to start and grow their own business. Small business is the bright spot of the UK economy and we have a window of opportunity to create the right conditions and to offer people the confidence they need to turn an idea or hobby into a way of making a living. If we get this right, we will most certainly reap the returns.“

Emma’s work has until recently focused on UK enterprise, but her unique understanding of entrepreneurship and enterprise are now increasingly in demand overseas. In the past week, she has travelled to Italy to assist with the creation of StartUp Italia and is in India this weekend addressing a global gathering of entrepreneurs on the benefits of launching and developing their own national StartUp campaign.

Having started her first business at the age of 27 which she successfully sold by the age of 30, Emma went on to launch Enterprise Nation as a small business community which now has over 75,000 members who benefit from accessing online content, books/eBooks/kits, funding and events. She has authored a number of business books including ‘Spare Room StartUp’, ’Working 5 to 9′, ‘Go Global’ and ‘The StartUp Kit’.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Liz Slee .

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