Member Article

Abs Annual Conference 2012: Innovation for growth


Innovation for Growth

The Association of Business Schools is delighted to be able to bring you the first Annual Conference under the leadership of Chief Executive Paul Marshall - the organisation has a new mission and strategic plan, which is reflected in the focus of this our flagship event.

For the first time in the 20 year history of ABS the annual conference will be open not only to members but the wider business and management community, giving you the opportunity to hear from government representatives at the heart of policy and a wide range of stakeholders both from the UK plus our international partners.

Innovation for Growth, the ABS Annual Conference 2012

Date: Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th October 2012

Venue: Warwick University, Scarman House

The programme includes the following prestigious speakers:

•Rt. Hon. David Willetts, M.P., Minister for Higher Education and Science
•Shabana Mahmood, M.P., Shadow Minister for Higher Education; and other luminaries from industry and the world of business and management education.

Panel sessions will focus on the following key themes:

•The Role of UK Business Schools in Driving Innovation and Growth in the Domestic Economy
•The Role of UK Business Schools in Driving Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy; and
•Measuring the impact of UK Business Schools on Innovation and Growth.

This will be an unrivalled opportunity to be part of the ABS’ new exciting mission and strategic direction, to hear from and debate with senior speakers from leading business and management institutions, mission groups, Chartered Institutes, Learned Associations and other key organisations around the key drivers of innovation for growth.

Delegates will include:

ABS Companions, ABS Committee members, members of the ABS Policy Forum, BIS Business Schools Taskforce, the ABS Innovation Taskforce, members of EQUAL, Chairs of Industrial Advisory Boards, Chairs/Presidents/Chief Executives of all business and management professional associations/learned societies, mission groups and other key stakeholders from HE, business and industry.

Reserve your place now to avoid disappointment

*Corporate sponsorship and exhibition packages are available.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Association of Business Schools .

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