Member Article

Survey reveals demand for electronically managing HR documents

Version One survey reveals…less than 35 per cent of UK organisations have document management integrated into their HR systems

There is a clear demand for the electronic management of HR documents

9 July 2012 - A survey by document management software company, Version One, reveals that less than 35 per cent of UK organisations have electronic document management (EDM) functionality as part of their human resource (HR) systems. Version One surveyed 127 senior managers, including finance, HR and general managers, from a cross-section of UK private, public and third sector organisations.

Of the 127 survey participants, 15 per cent confirmed that their organisations’ HR systems had integrated document management with 20 per cent unsure whether their HR systems had integrated EDM or not! The remaining 65 per cent confirmed that their organisations were without EDM for HR.

As over 50 per cent of survey participants without HR document management and who are unsure whether their organisations have EDM or not, stated that this integrated functionality would be of benefit, this highlights the clear demand for this technology.

Greg Ford, Managing Director of Version One says, “The survey results reveal that although few organisations are electronically managing their HR documents using integrated document management, there is an obvious demand for this technology within the HR function. It is important for this demand, together with the benefits of EDM, not to go unnoticed.”

By integrating electronic document management software into an organisation’s HR system, all documents relating to an employee are electronically stored and automatically tagged to the employee’s record in the HR system. This ensures that employee information is secure and instantly accessible to authorised users. Once in electronic format, the documents can be passed around automatically, eliminating the paper-based circulation of sensitive HR records.

Ford adds, “The paperless circulation, management and processing of HR documents, from contracts and pension records through to training details and disciplinary documents, is vital for effectively supporting compliance, delivering cost savings and maximising the efficiency of the HR team.”


Notes to Editor

About Version One

Version One Ltd is the author of electronic document management and imaging solutions. These solutions enable the electronic storage, retrieval, management, enhancement and delivery of business documents such as invoices, purchase orders and statements. This ‘paperless office’ technology is seamlessly integrated into all major ERP and accounting systems and with a typical ROI of less than six months, Version One’s solutions are enabling thousands of organisations to cut paper consumption whilst saving dramatic amounts of time and money.

Version One is an Advanced Computer Software Group plc company.

Press contacts:

Liz Ebbrell and Tony Monks

Version One


t: +44 (0)1625 856505

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by V1 .

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