Member Article

New partnership with the Association of African BusinessSchools

The Association of Business School (ABS) is pleased to announce a formal collaboration with the Association of African Business Schools (AABS) byway of reciprocal membership agreement.

This development cements an exciting strategic alliance, which will ensure ABS and its partner organisations’ work is aligned going forwards, including: capacity building, joint events, research, publications, membership on committees and added value for each organisations membership base.

Vicky Robinson, Director of Communications for ABS said:

“This announcement comes at a pivotal moment in ABS’ development; we have recently announced our new strategic plan and cementing more partnership along with our existing reciprocal members means that we can deliver on our promise on a global scale going forwards.

Our Asia Pacific Business and Management Leadership Summit in KL in November is one example of how we are driving these partnerships forward – it is an exciting time to be involved with the Association and we plan on having a similar event in the MENA region next year“.

Sarah Tinsley-Myerscough, AABS Programme Director said:

“The Association of African Business Schools (AABS) is delighted to have partnered with The Association of Business Schools (ABS). AABS’s goal is to strengthen management education capacity in Africa. We look forward to working with the ABS in years to come and promoting links between the two organisations and business schools in the United Kingdom and Africa.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Association of Business Schools .

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