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Version One survey on cloud-based document management

Version One survey reveals just over 6 per cent of UK organisations are using document management in the Cloud

76 per cent of UK organisations would consider Cloud-based document management

21 August 2012 - A survey by document management software company, Version One, reveals that just 6.5 per cent of 130 UK organisations polled are using electronic document management in the Cloud. Version One surveyed IT and finance professionals from a cross-section of public, private and third sector organisations.

Of the 125 respondents that do not use document management in the Cloud, 76 per cent stated that they would consider using it in the future. 19 per cent of respondents were not sure whether they would use it with just five per cent indicating that they would not consider using Cloud-based document management.

Greg Ford, Managing Director of Version One, says, “It is clear from the results that although few UK organisations are currently using document management in the Cloud, there is significant demand for this solution with nearly 80 per cent of respondents open to the idea of using it. Clearly, organisations are far less apprehensive than they used to be about using the Cloud and many are now keen to embrace this increasingly popular delivery model.”

The survey identified that a key benefit of using document management in the Cloud is that it’s cost-effective with 24 per cent of respondents highlighting this as a benefit. Other key benefits cited by 23 per cent and 18 per cent of respondents respectively is that it provides 24/7 access to documents and that it allows for flexible working.

Ford adds, “As document management in the Cloud is a cost-effective choice, is fast to deploy, scalable and provides anytime and anywhere access to electronic business documents, its increased adoption is inevitable.”


Notes to Editor

About Version One

Version One Ltd is the author of electronic document management and imaging solutions. These solutions enable the electronic storage, retrieval, management, enhancement and delivery of business documents such as invoices, purchase orders and statements. This ‘paperless office’ technology is seamlessly integrated into all major ERP and accounting systems and with a typical ROI of less than six months, Version One’s solutions are enabling thousands of organisations to cut paper consumption whilst saving dramatic amounts of time and money.

Version One is an Advanced Computer Software Group plc company.

Press contacts:

Liz Ebbrell

Version One


t: +44 (0)1625 856505

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by V1 .

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