Spennymoor town centre

Member Article

£37m investment for South Durham town

Durham County Council is drawing up plans to invest £37m in a South Durham town.

Councillors will be asked to approve plans which could see the huge investment in Spennymoor, which is estimated would generate £276m further investment.

Spennymoor is a town with huge potential with new housing and business development providing fantastic opportunities for local people.

Plans, which will be put in place across the next three to five years, will include the opportunity to redevelop the Festival Walk shopping area as well as attracting new businesses and homes to the town.

Cllr Neil Foster, Cabinet member for regeneration and economic development, said: “Spennymoor is an excellent town in which to live and work.

“Good public transport and road links make this town an excellent location for investment and for this reason 14.5 hectares of land is protected for employment and business growth.

“A further five hectares of land at Green Lane is safeguarded for future employment growth.

“Spennymoor is an attractive location offering a range of housing and employment opportunities that have grown around a town centre which provides a good opportunity for retail and other businesses.”

There are a number of major projects already underway throughout the town. These include the Durhamgate development and also private housing at Whitworth Park and Merrington Lane.

Durham County Council is keen to stimulate regeneration and economic growth to enhance the town and bring about further development opportunities.

The master plan includes proposals to work alongside regeneration partnerships to create a vibrant town centre.

The council will also work with existing businesses and potential funders in order to create jobs and boost the town’s economy.

Consultation on this master plan has been undertaken with a range of partners including the town council. Cabinet will meet on September 18.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Martin Walker .

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