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Partner Article

NEET idea - Liverpool scheme to help unemployed

Liverpool City Council has launched a scheme to give young people the opportunity of paid work experience and training – while helping vulnerable and disadvantaged residents cut their energy bills.

The scheme provides twelve 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) the chance to work for six months with the Healthy Homes team.

Trainees will receive initial training in customer care skills, the safe installation of energy efficient light bulbs and energy monitors and the use of thermal imaging cameras.

They will also be trained in giving advice to residents on how they can save money by reducing their energy use or where home improvements may help.

It is intended that training will continue throughout the work experience with opportunities for basic English and maths to be improved, City and Guilds Energy Awareness Training undertaken and essential office based skills developed, leading to a NVQ Level 1 in Customer Care and an Employability Award

Councillor Tim Moore, cabinet member for transport and climate change, said: “This is a great opportunity for young people. They will be gaining work experience in a growth area for private sector employment and learning many of the skills that employers are looking for.

“At the same time they will be helping to cut fuel poverty, which is a very big issue in the city. The work they will be involved in will help residents cut their fuel bills by making small changes in their homes. It is a programme that will benefit young people, disadvantaged residents and the environment.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Simon Malia .

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