Appointments at Teesside

Member Article

New faces on Teesside University's senior team

A number of new faces are joining Teesside University’s executive team led by Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL.

A new post of Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Operating Officer) has been created to continue to build and strengthen the University’s infrastructure with responsibility for ensuring the ongoing financial strength, sustainability and resilience of the institution. This business and operations oriented post brings together the management of all resources and provides strategic leadership in the development and operation of all core non-academic functions.

There is also a new role of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Quality) which incorporates the roles of University Secretary and Clerk to the Board with a remit of shared responsibility for the development and oversight of University strategy and policy.

Two Assistant Chief Executives have also been appointed to the senior team.

Malcolm Page is the new Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Operating Officer).

Malcolm moves to Teesside University from his position as Executive Director of Commercial and Corporate Services at Sunderland City Council.

He has previously worked as Deputy Chief Executive at the Regional Development Agency, One North East - also holding roles at the Agency including Assistant Chief Executive (Resources) and Executive Director of Corporate Resources. He is a fully qualified accountant with an MBA.

Malcolm brings with him considerable strategic, corporate and resource management experience and a strong track record of operating and delivering at Board level. He also has significant experience in managing large and complex budgets and in the development and delivery of regeneration and property activities, alongside wide ranging exposure to both innovation and the commercial environment.

Professor Liz Holey has been appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor (Quality).

Professor Holey moves from the position she has held as Deputy Dean of the School of Health & Social Care since 2005.

She has also held the post of Assistant Dean (Enterprise) and Physiotherapy subject group leader. In recognition of her achievements in academic leadership and research, Liz had the title professor conferred upon her in 2011.

Professor Holey chairs the School’s Academic Standards Committee; she is the lead University officer on internationalisation and has led several successful contract bids and negotiations with our commissioners of health education. She has also recently completed two periods of partial secondment to the Strategic Health Authority, working on major governance and policy development activities of regional and national significance. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is invited to participate in international summits and undertake international consultancy work.

Michael Lavery, Director of the department of External Relations and Juliet Amos, Director of Human Resources also join the Vice-Chancellor’s executive board as Assistant Chief Executives.

External Relations expert Michael Lavery retains a wide remit as Director which includes marketing, student recruitment operations, media relations, alumni relations and fundraising, but has assumed additional responsibilities as Assistant Chief Executive to include community relations, culture and the University’s graduations. He joined Teesside University in January 2012 from Durham University where he led the Marketing & Communications Office for over 6 years, having previously worked at a senior level in the private sector and as a marketing and PR consultant. Michael chairs the University Alliance Communications Group and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

A fellow of the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, Juliet Amos joined Teesside from Northumbria University in 2006 as Director of Human Resources. In her current role she has responsibility for key HR functions and strategy. In 2012, Juliet was elected to the Executive of Universities HR where she is responsible for the national CPD programme for HR staff. In her new role Juliet is the University’s lead on equality and diversity and health and safety for both staff and students, as well as being responsible for maintaining the University’s Investors in People Gold status.

The new appointments follow the retirements of Mr Morgan McClintock, University Secretary and Clerk to the Governors, and Mr Alan Oliver, Executive Director (Finance and Planning).

Vice-Chancellor Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL said: “This is an opportunity for us, as a modern University, to bring new talent and expertise to the leadership team. It will help us strengthen and develop our position both as a quality institution of choice for higher education and in our business-focused approach to working with partners to stimulate the economy and serve our communities. I am delighted to welcome my new team on board.

“I would also like to wish my retired colleagues, Morgan and Alan, a happy retirement and thank them both for the many years of dedication and support they have given to Teesside University and me, personally.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Teesside University .

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