Lianne Wilkinson

Member Article

Engage Web debuts at Earls Court

Engage Web, an innovative internet marketing company operating out of the North West, will be appearing at the Travel Technology Europe 2014 exhibition taking place at London’s famous Earls Court.

A Morgan Foundation Entrepreneur Award finalist, Engage Web has provided its range of bespoke marketing and content development services to some of the travel industry’s biggest names over the past five years, providing a full range of original content, user engagement knowhow and innovative online marketing strategies.

Setting up at booth T241, Engage Web’s experts will be on hand to discuss the forward-thinking marketing and content development solutions on offer. They will also give visitors the chance to win a Kindle Fire by taking part in the Engage Web Tip Top Travel Test ‘Around the World in 20 Questions’. Everybody will be able to take the challenge on the Engage Web website, but a special version has been produced for the show.

Given her rich experience in dealing with clients in the travel sector, Managing Director Lianne Wilkinson is well placed to offer valuable advice to exhibition attendees. She said:

“The competition that travel companies face is huge - people fully expect to get a great deal on a holiday, given the number of choices on offer.

“This means that it’s hard to get ahead of your competitors online. Engage Web’s specialists in marketing, social media and content generation can do the heavy lifting for your online marketing campaign. Products such as Pressroom free up even more of your resources, so we can help you get a real edge on your rivals.“

The Travel Technology Europe 2014 exhibition takes place at Earls Court, London, from 4th - 5th February.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Darren Jamieson .

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