Martin Osborne, Wakefield Bathrooms with Jeff Long, Barclays

Member Article

Wakefield businesses expand with help from Barclays

Wakefield Bathrooms Ltd and Kitchens by Design (Yorkshire) Ltd today announced they have acquired new premises with funding from Barclays.

Wakefield Bathrooms Ltd run by Martin Osborne and Kitchens by Design Ltd run by both Jonathan Cockell and Martin Osborne were established in 2003 and 2009 respectively.

Previously located at separate sites within the Wakefield area, Martin and Jonathan decided that the businesses were complimentary and are now jointly located at the newly refurbished show rooms at 47 Wakefield Road, Ossett.

Martin Osborne, owner of Wakefield Bathrooms and Kitchens by Design said: “Purchasing the new premises on Wakefield Road is a major step forward in our future strategy and will take both businesses to the next level.

“The benefits of having both businesses running from the same site will mean shared costs together with better profile.

“The timing of this investment could not have been better and the cashback payment from Barclays will provide some flexibility as we continue with our expansion plans.”

Wakefield Bathrooms employs three and Kitchens by Design an additional two staff. Both businesses use a substantial number of contractors locally for fitting the bathroom and kitchens.

Jeff Long, Business Manager at Barclays said: “It’s great to see a local company thriving in the current climate with Martin and Jonathan’s team well placed for their growth plans going into 2014.

“The high profile retail show room has already brought benefits to both companies and the future looks bright for these well managed forward thinking companies.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Clare Burnett .

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