Member Article

Yorkshire & Humber shows third biggest decline in international trade says BCC report

According to the British Chamber of Commerce Q4 2013 DHL Quarterly International Trade Outlook has reported that international trade documents issued by the Yorkshire and Humber region fell by 5.9%.

The report sets out the opportunities and risks facing British companies as they trade the world - with a particular focus on timely information on dynamic new markets. The document can be viewed here.

There was a mixed picture across the UK. The highest increase was recorded in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

Yorkshire showed the third biggest decline after London and (-11.6%) and the East Midlands (-13.9%)

John Longworth, director of the British Chamber of Commerce said: “The Government must enhance its focus on assisting businesses to export, but equally business owners have to step up to the plate and be brave enough to explore new markets.

“The rewards can be significant. At the British Chambers of Commerce, we have long recognised the need to better support our exporters.

“As part of our efforts, we are working with UKTI to develop and accredit Overseas British Chambers and business groups in 41 key growth markets.

“This will give UK firms a place to go and get practical support in new markets, and supplement the range of export advice that Chambers in this country can deliver to budding exporters.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Clare Burnett .

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