Helen Gibson

Member Article

Hull Business School to award £20k bursaries to "under-represented" groups in business

Two groups that are under-represented at the top levels in business are being given a helping hand, thanks to a scholarship scheme from Hull University Business School.

Women and charity sector leaders are the target for two bursaries worth £20,000 for the Business School’s Executive Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree. Those interested in applying can find out more at an open evening on Wednesday 25 June.

The Executive MBA is a part-time postgraduate degree that aims to transform managers into leaders through a business relevant, internationally recognised programme. Participants complete 12 core modules to develop their expertise across a wide range of business disciplines, from finance to marketing. The programme also includes a consultancy project, giving students the opportunity to apply their learning in the real world through the University’s links with industry.

The scholarships, which cover the full UK tuition costs of the two-year course and are awarded on the basis of professional and academic excellence, reflect national concerns about the scarcity of women in the boardroom and the difficulty charities face in attracting high-calibre leaders.

Course leader Gavin Betts said that by offering financial support to these under-represented groups, the scholarships were helping to level the playing field.

“The Executive MBA offers world-class expertise to leaders and potential leaders of business,” he explained. “The skills that the students learn massively expand their frame of reference, enabling them to compete and achieve in whatever business setting they find themselves.

“By making this expertise more widely available to two groups that tend to be under-represented or lack the resources for formal business qualifications, we’re promoting greater equality – admitting the best students, whatever their background.”

Helen Gibson, who is now joint managing director at Agencia, a Hessle-based consultancy company, won a scholarship through a previous scheme to take the Executive MBA in 2007. She said that taking the course had been immensely beneficial to her career.

“The MBA gave me a leg up,” she said. “It was brilliant to learn new skills – the course provided a great overview of so many different disciplines.

“As important as the knowledge and skills I gained was the boost it gave to my confidence – working with and getting along with people from different countries and backgrounds. That confidence has really helped in the way I’ve been received in the business world.”

Places are still available for the 2014 Executive MBA course, which begins in October. A previous degree (BA or equivalent professional qualification) is not essential – a candidate’s clear commitment to a management or leadership role in business can be offered in place of formal qualifications.

Prospective students are being invited to find out more by come along to the open evening on Wednesday 25 June 5pm to 7.30pm at Hull University Business School, Cottingham Road, Hull. Find out more, or book a place, via the website. Alternatively, contact the Business School on 01482 643017, email businessmasters@hull.ac.uk

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Clare Burnett .

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