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Member Article

Improvements on the cards for £18 million Moor Market Sheffield

New improvements are being revealed for Sheffield’s £18 million Moor Market after public and trader consultation.

Rents are set to be reduced, while proposed new flexible tenancy agreements will enable any future improvements to the layout of the market to be implemented speedily. The aim is to provide the best possible trading conditions for stallholders, while also enabling customers to enjoy a more vibrant, varied and enjoyable shopping experience.

But in the long term, it is proposed that the flexible tenancy agreements will enable factors such as the layout and the environment of the market to be continually revised and improved as it evolves over time.

When the Moor Market first opened traders were given a six-month rent-free period in order to get their businesses established.

This period was then extended for a further three months, and was set to end at the end of August, to be followed by a three-month period of paying 50% rent.

Councillor Leigh Bramall, cabinet member for business, skills and development at Sheffield City Council, said: “What we are setting out today is a vision of a 21st century, sustainable and vibrant market to serve the shoppers of Sheffield and beyond.

“Before the Moor Market opened, it was difficult to predict how it would work as a living, breathing shopping environment.

“But now stalls have become established and we can see how it is working, we are in a position to make some tweaks and alterations to make the market the best that it can possibly be.

“It is absolutely essential that we create the right mix of stalls at the Moor Market and create the best possible environment that we can for the innovative and dynamic traders that we know can be a success here.”

“When plans for the Moor Market were first drawn up, it was envisaged that this modern, timber-framed building would be just a part of a totally-revamped area of Sheffield city centre.

“While developments are well underway on The Moor, and we are about to go out to procurement on the New Retail Quarter, these developments are not yet complete.

“While The Moor is still under development, we feel it is fair to work with traders and offer reduced rates at this point in time.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Clare Burnett .

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