NatWest relationship manager Suzanne Unsworth with Scott Brenchley, CEO of Tactus.

Member Article

Warrington’s Tactus buys premises with Natwest six-figure funding deal

Warrington-based Tactus, a developer of protection for mobile technology has purchased premises in Olympic Park, Birchwood as part of a six-figure funding deal with Natwest.

The Warrington-based business began trading in 2012 producing products that combined design with protection.

Tactus has experienced positive growth with the company taking on seven new starters within the past year with plans to double this figure by the end of 2015.

The new premises will also support Tactus’ in-house design studio where the company can create 3D images on cases, engrave bespoke logos and personalise its wide selection of products.

Chief executive officer at Tactus, Scott Brenchley said: “We founded the business in 2009 and using our own in-depth knowledge and experience of the technology sector, set to sourcing and developing a range of smart, functional and reliable products that would offer people the highest level of protection for their devices.

“The positive feedback we received from customers and industry experts made us realise there was a real gap in the market for a UK-based company to offer high-quality, protective products.

“It’s a competitive market that is constantly changing and you have to ensure you have stock that not only caters to the fluctuating mobile industry, but also to customer demand.

“We now have listings in Argos, Selfridges, Staples and Maplins, to name a few, and with our new offices up and running, we hope to capitalise on our success and ultimately, grow Tactus into a household name.“

NatWest relationship manager Suzanne Unsworth said: “I was delighted to support Tactus on its purchase of new premises.

“The business has shown it wants to adapt to its changing market place and I wish Tactus every success for the future.“

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sophia Taha .

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