Image Source: Michelllaurence

Member Article

Deloitte reports North West unrivalled in manufacturing and financial services

A new report by Deloitte has shown that the North West leads the way in manufacturing and financial services.

The North West’s top 50 companies were shown to have an average revenue of £183 million, growing at almost 21 times faster than the national average.

As a whole, North West firms have an average revenue of £142 million per company.

The advisory firm’s latest ‘Business Leading Britain’ report shows that the North West has the most successful manufacturing industry in the UK, while its financial services industry was named the fastest growing between 2011 and 2013.

The emergence of the Northern Powerhouse has been reflected in the report, with the North West home to eight companies in the UK’s 50 fastest growing.

Practice senior partner at Deloitte in the North West, Richard Bell, said: “The North West economy is recovering.

“Growth has returned and businesses are expanding, creating jobs and increasing investment.

“Much of that growth has come from a relatively concentrated group of fast-growing businesses, with the North West’s manufacturing and financial services sectors taking the lead.

“The region is up there with the very best in the country, and it comes as little surprise to see that our top companies massively outperform the national average.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sophia Taha .

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