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Royal London to create hundreds of jobs in Wilmslow

Pensions company, Royal London have announced plans to create 450 new jobs at its campus in Wilmslow.

The company currently employs around 900 staff and is looking to expand due to strong new business results and the Government’s imminent pension reforms.

The company also have sites in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bath and the Republic of Ireland but has identified that Wilmslow is its preferred location to expand in.

The new jobs would be within its new offices on the land owned by Royal London to the east of its existing campus.

Royal London’s Jerry Toher said: “Wilmslow is a key part in our success story, both in respect of our achievements to date and our aspirations for the future.

“Many of our staff live locally and are proud of the economic and social ties between Royal London and the town.

“That is why I am pleased to confirm that Wilmslow is our clear preference to accommodate future growth within Royal London.

“We anticipate growing our Wilmslow operation over time, increasing the number of full time staff by 50% and providing significant new employment opportunities for the town.

“Over recent years in Wilmslow, staff numbers have grown as we have taken on more business and added to the number of customers we serve.

“This has resulted in the site becoming effectively full, not only in terms of accommodating staff, but also in terms of its IT and service infrastructure, which is increasingly outdated.

“In order to create these new jobs, we need better office space. This is why we support Cheshire East Council’s proposed allocation for Royal London’s land to the east of our existing campus.

“Wilmslow is our clear preference to accommodate planned growth but this cannot be done without the support of the Council and others to deliver our ambitions in the town.

“We very much hope that we will soon have a positive, well-balanced Local Plan in place that enables the business to expand locally, rather than at one of our other sites across the UK.”

Royal London’s announcement was backed by the East Cheshire Chamber of Commerce. Dave Watson, Chief Executive of the Chamber said: “We are delighted to hear the news that Royal London is looking to expand in Wilmslow.

“They are already the town’s largest employer and it is great to see Royal London wanting to create jobs here in East Cheshire rather than elsewhere.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sophia Taha .

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