![Landlords can get £3000 of funding per tenant to pay for new superfast broadband connectivity says S](https://bdaily.co.uk/images/images/original/3842a5aba17aa84cce1dd1f0f27367fb7f017855.jpg?s=db9bdef357ea0911de502d5f65221a02)
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Teesside, Durham, Wearside and Northumberland landlords to benefit from Government Go Digital scheme
Commercial property landlords can now access thousands of pounds of free Government funding to pay towards the installation of superfast broadband in their offices and factories.
Under the Business Connection Vouchers scheme, landlords can claim up to £3,000 per tenant to cover the cost of installing enterprise grade internet connectivity for commercial buildings.
The Go Digital scheme is expanding in the North East this month as it goes live across Teesside, County Durham, Wearside and Northumberland, enabling hundreds of landlords to ensure their tenants are better connected to critical online services.
The scheme is already available on Tyneside where registered supplier Advantex Network Solutions Ltd, based in Gateshead, has been helping landlords to deliver improve digital connectivity at places like The Sandman Hotel, Broadacre House and Mea Trust.
Under the Business Connection Vouchers scheme, the Government has earmarked funding worth £150m to enable landlords to apply for up to £3000 per tenant to pay for super-fast broadband connectivity and associated hardware such as wireless and internet security.
The UK already does more business online than any other European country, and the widespread access to superfast broadband offered by the scheme will provide a tremendous boost to the Tyneside economy.
Advantex director Stephen O’Connell said: “As a landlord, why not take advantage of the chance to invest long term in property by taking accessing thousands of pounds of free funding to improve building infrastructure and deliver the superfast broadband services tenants to achieve growth?
“If landlords have several tenants then the available funding package can add up to tens of thousands of pounds for investing in enterprise grade internet for their buildings as well as new Wi-Fi and data security.”
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