Rob Hicks and Lisa Haycox from Explore Learning collecting their award

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Tuition firm Explore Learning named One to Watch

Tuition providers, Explore Learning, have been named a One to Watch in The Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100. Rob Hicks, Managing Director, and Lisa Haycox, Head of Operations, collected their award in the 18th anniversary of the league table held at Sir Richard Branson’s family home in Oxfordshire on 29th April.

The tuition firm, which has its headquarters in Guildford, was launched in 2001 by Bill Mills, and has grown exponentially over the past five years. In 2012 they received a £30m cash injection from Graphite Capital to support its growth both at home and overseas.

The company which provides English and maths tuition to children aged five to 14 now has 112 centres located across the UK, and three centres in America. More than 27,500 children attend their tuition each week.

This is the latest in a number of awards the company has received; only last week they were named the ‘My Family Favourite’ for Private Tuition Centres by My Family Magazine, and in November they were announced as the UK’s best Private Tuition Operator at the EducationInvestor Awards. They were also given a Silver award at the Mumsnet Family Friendly Awards by the deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg.

Tuition is an industry that has experienced a big rise in popularity, with research* finding that as many as 58pc of people saying they would invest in extra tuition for their child and half (49pc) of people seeing extra tuition to support their children’s studies as ‘normal’.

Rob Hicks, Manager Director of Explore Learning who picked up the company’s latest award says: “We are thrilled to be recognised for the pace that we are expanding. We’re currently growing at a rate of 25pc year on year and have big ambitions as we’re set to open 26 new centres this year. To be named a family favourite is also wonderful as it shows that not only are we succeeding on paper but in a very real, practical level where parents and children love the tuition we’re providing. The vision behind Explore is to create a place for children to come to that complements their school education and help them grow in confidence and inspire their love of learning. We are hugely proud of every single one of our staff that has made the company what it is.”

Throughout the year, Explore Learning runs engaging workshops with local schools. They are currently running The National Young Writers’ Award, judged by best-selling author of the World of Norm books, Jonathan Meres and an Explore the Car of the Future drawing competition together with Bandai Namco Entertainment, judged by racing driver, Nicolas Hamilton.

Standard membership of Explore Learning is between £109 and £119 per month with discounts available for parents in receipt of working tax credits, childcare vouchers and income support. There is also a discount for families where more than one child is attending

Each session is tailored to a child’s needs and tutors work with children in a very low ratio (the maximum ratio is 1:6), ensuring the right balance between individual support and independent learning.

The Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100 recognises the UK’s top-performing private companies and entrepreneurs, with the fastest-growing sales over their latest three years.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Katherine Adams .

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